Arondor Technologies

FlowerDocs ECM / BPM Platform

More than a document management tool, FlowerDocs brings a new approach of ECM oriented use and simplicity.

The first unified response to document and business process management needs.

Whether through vertical business lines or Arondor’s expertise as an integrator, FlowerDocs makes it possible to address the digital transformation of business lines with agility.


Reduction of document loss

Average search execution time


Reduction of development time

Adapt to users’ uses.

Propose an ergonomic and unified user interface combining EDM functionalities and treatment processes (workflows).

Build in a short period solutions adapted to business uses, with a graphical and easy to implement operational administration and monitoring.

Enrich business applications with unparalleled APIs and extension capabilities.

Optimize document flows.

Effectively enrich documents with metadata to enhance the information in the organization’s holdings.

Centralize and secure the management of digital content.

Optimize data flow and task management internally and with external parties.

Energize business processes.
Modernize processes to better include the user and his business knowledge.

To simply make processes evolve according to the activities and the real needs of the business.

Manage both predictable processes and complex cases with the workflow engine and Case Management capabilities.

Main Features


Tag components to easily organize and search content.


Modeling data into metadata to quickly classify and search the content that users need to perform their daily tasks.

Process modeling and embedded workflow engine to manage both predictable processes and complex cases with its Case Management capabilities.

Open APIs to simply and efficiently connect FlowerDocs to your information system, a Javascript API to enrich the user interface: OpenAPI and Swagger.

Federated and centralized content, accessible with a single interface, for all types of formats.
Traced actions to ensure compliance. Authorizations are restricted to the strict minimum.

Digitisation and dematerialization: batch management, scanning, document imports, email imports, mobility, plug-ins, OCR, BCR, document recognition, image manipulation, reporting.

Filing by folder helps to optimize the use of the content. Filter and prioritize to keep all your content up to date.
Collaboration with simple tools such as team management, assigning tasks or annotating documents.
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Discover project examples

Inbound mail processing

Transforming the customer experience is an end-to-end journey, starting with the first contact or request and including the reactivity of inbound mail processes.

KYC and GDPR regulations

A platform for digitizing documents directly accessible to end customers, offering a fully digitized subscription process fully compliant with GSPD.

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